Portfolio Groups allow you to group together multiple portfolios so you can view them as one.
This allows you to view the combined performance of multiple portfolios at the same time, giving you an overall picture of all your investments.
Let’s jump straight into how to set up and use a Portfolio Group.
Create a Portfolio Group
1. Go to the ‘Manage Portfolios’ page.
2. Click the ‘Add Portfolio Group’ button under the ‘Portfolio Groups’ section.
3. Give your new Portfolio Group a Name (1) and select two or more of your portfolios to group together (2). (This does not change the underlying portfolios — you can still view them separately).
Then click the ‘Create Group’ button (3).
Please note that you can only group portfolios with the same base currency.
Now, on the ‘Manage Portfolios’ page you will see your newly created group in the ‘Portfolio Groups’ table.
Click on the group name to go to the Portfolio screen with this Portfolio Group selected.
You can now use navexa as you would normally and view pages like the Portfolio and all the reports — but you will now be viewing analytics for the Portfolio Group.
Editing a Portfolio Group
Navigate to the ‘Manage Portfolios’ page and click the pencil icon next to the Portfolio Group you want to edit.
From here you can edit the name and composition of the group.
Just hit ‘Update Group’ when you’ve made your changes.
Deleting a Portfolio Group
From the ‘Manage Portfolios’ page, click the red rubbish bin icon to delete a Portfolio Group.
This will ask you to confirm the deletion.
Click ‘Yes, Delete!’ to delete the Portfolio Group.
Note: Deleting a Portfolio Group DOES NOT delete the underlying portfolios. You will not lose any holding data by deleting a Portfolio Group.