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The Filter System
Navarre Trousselot avatar
Written by Navarre Trousselot
Updated over a year ago

The filter system in Navexa is one of the most powerful features you have at your disposal.

It allows you to view your portfolio in a variety of different ways.

Perhaps you just want to analyse performance for a particular sector.

Or even just a few select holdings.

The filter system easily allows you to do this.

At the top of nearly every page in Navexa, you will see a 'Filter' button.

Clicking it, opens the filter menu, showing you all the different metrics you can filter by.

If we click 'Sector' as an example, it will open the 'Filter by sector' modal.

If you select a sector, you will see it adds it to the list of filters.

You can also add multiple different sectors at this point.

Once you click 'Apply filters'. It will start reloading whichever page you are on, with the filters applied.

You can see in the above screenshot, the filters appear at the top of the page, in the 'Filter bar'.

in this example, all the values and holdings on the page, now will either belong to 'Financials', 'Consumer Discretionary' or 'Health Care'.

Clicking the x next to a filter, will remove it.

The filters are 'sticky' and will follow you around the entire website. Meaning if you set filters on the portfolio page. When you click to the Diversification page, the filters will still be applied.

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