When using Navexa Pro, you may wish to add clients to your account.
A client can then have access to specific portfolios and log in to Navexa under their own account to view these portfolios.
To add a client, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Go to the 'Clients' page by clicking 'Clients' in the top navigation bar
Step 2: Click 'Add Client' at the top right of the Clients page.
Step 3: Fill in the fields required for a client, then click 'Add Client'
A) Select a portfolio you would like to share with the client initially (you can add more portfolios to this client later).
B) Leave as 'New Client'
C) The clients first name
D) The clients last name
E) The clients email address
F) Specify whether they have 'read' or 'read & write' permission to the portfolio you selected in (A)
G) You can elect not to invite the customer yet to have access to the portfolio. You can invite them later.
H) Click 'Add Client' to save the client.